Vydáno: 01 / 2020
Vydavatel: Univerzita Karlova, Filozofická fakulta
ISSN: 2336-7105
99 stran
Vorboten des Dreißigjährigen Krieges? Zeitgenössische Reflexionen über die Kometen von 1618/19
Martin Hille, p. 7-24 |
The Role of Geopolitics in the Italian Risorgimento during the 1840s: An Introductory Survey
Miroslav Šedivý, p. 25-37 |
The Royal Visit to Paris and the Presidential Visit to London in 1903 — An Icebreaker of the Public Opinion or a Milestone in the History of the Entente Cordiale?
Marcela Hennlichová, p. 38-53 |
Hamlet in Kashgar: British Diplomacy and the 1920 Afghan Attempt to Establish Relations with the Republic of China
Matteo Miele, p. 54-64 |
Discussions / Diskussionen
Nation und Nationalität, Volk und nationale Zusammengehörigkeit
Csilla Dömők, p. 67-85 |
The West and the East at Davos — Where Is the Order and Where the Chaos?
Tea Khomasuridze, p. 86-91 |
Book Reviews / Buchbesprechungen
Karel STANĚK, Ve službě Bohu a za čest krále: Portugalská expanze v Maroku (1415–1769) [In God’s Service and for the Sake of King’s Glory: Portuguese Expansion to Morrocco (1415–1769)], Praha: Scriptorium 2018
Michal Wanner, p. 95-96 |
Agnieszka TETERYCZ-PUZIO, Bolesław II mazowiecki. Na szlakach ku jedności (ok. 1253/58 — 24 IV 1313) [Bolesław II of Masovia. On the way to unification (ca. 1253/58 — 24 IV 1313)], Kraków: Wydawnictwo Avalon, 2015
Michael Morys-Twarowski, p. 97-99 |