Vydáno: 11 / 2016
Vydavatel: Univerzita Karlova v Praze, Filozofická fakulta
ISSN: 2336-7105
146 stran
Edinburgh Conventions of the Delegates as One Example of British Radicalism in the 1790s
(Jana Borodáčová), p. 7-41 |
Richardson Affaire: Great Britain and the Tokugawa Bakufu 1862–1863
(Roman Kodet), p. 42-59 |
The Pan-German League at the End of the 19th Century
(Martin Urban), p. 60-71 |
Hungarian-Romanian Political Relations in Northern Transylvania between 1940 and 1944 from the Perspective of the Transylvanian Party
(János Kristóf Murádin), p. 72-81 |
Czech Refugees in Austria 1968–1985
(Ondřej Haváč), p. 82-97 |
Die Wirtschaftsbeziehungen in der Ära-Kreisky: Entwicklung und Probleme des österreichischen Osthandels mit der ČSSR 1970–1983
(Maximilian Graf), p. 98-120 |
Discussions / Diskussionen
Regent Miklós Horthy and the Catholic Church in Hungary
(Péter Miklós), p. 123-128 |
Propaganda Concerning the Signing of the Warsaw Treaty and the Creation of the Warsaw Pact on Hungarian Radio in 1955
(Irén Simándi), p. 129-135 |
Book Review / Buchbesprechung
Tamás László Vizi, A sérelmi politizálástól a nemzeti összetartozásig — Trianon, Revízió, Határkérdés, nemzetegyesítés 1920–2010 [From Offence Politics Towards the National Unity — Trianon, Revision, Border Questions, Nation-unification, 1920–2010], Budapest 2016
(Péter Illik) — 139-141 |